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Salting Me!

No potential wise leaders able give anyone a good place to live! The real harsh things I came across it! (Nuts In My Company Driving Me Nut!)
Lucky his boss was not defaced, or he will knew what is like being rejected from the society! Stop believe in Gods, since people treated you bad! Human can play Gods! Always make you mad!

Should sprinkle water, if it stubborn to stay!

That's the good reason; never ever act to be hero in Singapore! Because, we only have many self-centered and runaway animals!

My Government the worst of the kind hired many black sheep! Never approach help me, they tried their very best to avoid, never rectify problems I met! And make things complicated! My wounds till hurt..! Humans always salting me, hurt my wounds deeply! Watching me… dying! – Just like Jesus betrayed and abandoned by his friends and family let the bad abused him to death! Only built up his fame after he’d dead! Simply of superstition and felt guilty! He believed he’s a God, but till… died in tragedy! Except, he shared his nutty love! I shared my nutty hate! Imagine anyone claimed he’s a God, he will send for mental check! I predict I’ll become poorer killed by the idiots, SMRT trains will always breakdowns and disasters will continue fall upon you all, never stop! Because I’m a God too!
Feel mad, burn Singapore Flag! Locals no priority at Work! Because bosses favouring foreigners over locals. I’ve been interviewed by FTs many times! Locals take longer time to get job, months, years or even NIL! Even you got, animals will make you mad and ask you to quit! Most jobs designed for FTs, 6 days work week, 12hrs and low paid! (Clue how to murder your weak parents for working long hours; let them died of hunger and thirst!) Our interviewers can’t even tolerate for 2 hours need a long break, made the job seekers wait! Our Career Jobs Fairs without including details! Always went home empty-handed!
If you are worthless don't give birth! Your children will suffer! It only benefits the rich people! I hated them! What give you the idea stayed with your dead corpse forever? I rather roam around all worlds! 

Humans can create miracles (lies!) anything they like! – Stealing from the dead, killing or buried them alive! Exchange with the dead for you to raise! (Not knowing wasn’t your own child!) Just to fool the ignorant forever! – Miracles can create by us!
Our Singapore Chinese too weak always died! Perhaps, they too damn hardworking so they died fast! If women go for NS will show our men more useless. Need women to give birth, need women to protect! Don’t expect women have mood to mate, if they’re too damn stress!

Now, very common! In love with someone tried to murder you!

These days, perverts like threatened others into pornography! Something we can’t learn in school teach us be careful! That’s why animals have more chance to fool!
Diseases spreading, aiming on men! Should show all the men faces stay away from them! We need laws to control these animals fooling around with someone they not truly love! Or, there’ll be more cases, fathers and daughters having sex! May be happened to those sick animals talking on the web, agreed having sex with underage! Men have very great appetites regardless of ages and gender!

Recently, my mum really mad reunited with a butt molester (Muslim) molested her last year, and again this year! Any bad things happened companies just want you to keep quiet. Something wrong with her company’s management always ‘mismatch’ partner! And her schedule always unpredictable! – Call you work as they wish, abused your right in everything! Now, companies practicing not allow gathering friends working together, so they work in different time or transferred! Too many FTs managers and leaders, who’ll care locals molested abused by other pervert who now interested in old people! My poor old lady always get aimed, robbed for praying her Gods (Small cases always close!) And now molested! My city flourishing with perverts, among us!

Humans are so… horrible creatures!
That’s salting me… blocking me again!

There’s no safe place to live! Humans always give troubles, make life so complicated and bully others! They’ll help us get depression make us nut! Life is not a blessing, is the beginning of suffering! Everything so salting... hurt yours and my wounds so deeply! Learn Our Lessons For Your Future! Our Practices On The Idiot, Worthless & The Wise!

Unlike, ‘Salting’ did help my pets recovered quickly within a week for those able to eat and drink! First, destroy the root of the tumor cells. Then, mix pure salt with water or apply directly to the wound (two or three times a day until the dead skin darken and harden) don’t disturb, let it sleep…

My ‘worthless’ married a monster wounded her. Her partner smelled foul play when she returned! I play God let her having affair with other male. Because no result with the couple, one partner incapable! Her wound swollen infected with foul-smelling and needed days to heal!
Normally, I will let it dead, blame all the companies occupied whole my time! Don’t expect I can take good care of my parent! It’s a blessing if you’re an orphan or no attachment! Hope I die soon… Life is a burden!
She’s not a worthless after all. My warrior never say die! An opportunity to live had given to her by me!

Scientists, researchers, no more wasting money for experiments! The problem that bugging you for long may solve by me! – The cheapest way to save life! If you dare to undergo the pains sensation! Wonder will you jump around like my pet! It’d been practiced for many years before humans created their own fake Gods on earth! Pass down by poor generation no money to heal, nobody care, not the rich idiots’ idea! – The wound would heal on its own! Like snakes shed off its old dead skin! – Renew skin, fused the wound without sew, eventually may grow its hair after dead skin fall, by Salt therapy! (Depend on ages and how deeply its wound!)

I won’t be the last extinct species practicing on earth. It won’t be lost passing to you!

Note: If no cure for you all for certain reasons. Companies should stop experiments on poor creatures, create inaccurate fake report to gain profit, because our texture and structure were different!


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