I’m not party type! My chimpanzee forced me 见识 what’s wedding like, on live! My cousin finally married!
Location far! Like, Sentosa (So-called man-made island for idiots visit!) 死都不去! Their happiness, not mine! No mood seeing lovers together! Too many bad days!
Government very efficient blocked me broadcasting ‘Negatives’ @their pages! Not efficient gave me right job instantly! Unable take part! Not for public! 'Silent majority!' Only fake stuffs can be heard!
No jail given! May scare I blogging my jail terms! Only brainwash lecture lessons!
Popping emails, phone calls stressed me! Confused me ‘deleted’ (Comments) and rewrite new! Different they’d stated in! Only 废话 disappointed news! Never help us save cost, only help them earn more! OT must! Gave you far… drain your energy doing underpaid jobs! No one professional even government!

"Don't give birth made your children suffer, no better future!" This City corrupted! 'Discrimination!' Animals always worsen your illness, never get better! They didn't have listening ears... “Bad things happened for reasons!” 悲伤! 害群之马 hidden many ugly truth!
Hypocrites Show! 假假做个样! Singapore cultures encourage you Quit & Die!
真够白痴的! Doctors cutting parts too, when you'd dead! - Many such hobbies can be seen on internet! Army too! (吃草吧! NI!)
Singapore nuts!
Bury your Enemies! Forget Unhappiness! Start new!
Commit suicide! Too many animals born on earth, no one care you...
Singapore society 看人的!
Righteous government doing great wonders for me pinpointing my site to a map, made me mad! Warning: Google Map got loopholes allow bastards (Anonymous) set your location, label U!
My world getting darker filled with bad people always bully the poor, even they're official! 该死新加坡! Singapore like terrorists destroyed lives!
Truth Caring not exist in reality! Singapore Spirits! “Your Problem! Not Ours!” Don’t care your pains! Put you to death!
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