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Our Practices On The Idiot, Worthless & The Wise!

The Idiot:
Fish the idiot (tempted) bring us joy! Play ‘Tug of War!’
Abundant in our society chasing for something! Need the idiots bring us profit!

The Worthless:
Return her a favor spared her from harsh training. She had lost her pretty leg mixing with the bad! But she’s smart! She had the courage showing off and put effort, hanging on
Worthless in our harsh, harsh world! Unable sold her away, because no one like handicapped! – Imperfect! So, she remained in her nest!

Our Government always likes to promote they’ll care, they good… Just pick a few weak!

The Wise:
His special character attracted me! He had potential to learn more things! He always listens with his attentive ears! I wised him up not be fooled again!
Seeing him success, but he wasn’t happy. He didn’t like harsh things! He had thoughts! Environment can change us all… Now, he had mental trauma! – Living in hate! Sick of life, like me!

Dying on the edge死不瞑目样子Look dead with a grievance appearance with his sadden eyes opened!
为什么是我? 我为谁儿活? 人生就是如此!”

'Parents: The Root Of The Problems!' left problems to their future! They just care about themselves! They should know all the consequences for having children! Parenting, nurturing, discipline your children – If you have such unlovable parents, run away when you’re strong!

Love education doesn’t work well in our harsh ugly society! Negative, hypocrite things will always spreading onNo one truly care for the Unspeakable! Most ended up dead… Murdered by our society! Commit suicide, madness, miseries, disappointment spreading everywhere, will never stop! – If there’s a cure! No more excuse for hurting, killing!


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