loved one, obsessed
religionist follower, new
comer, wonder they’re impersonating locals,
belonged to ‘Arrogant’ FTs! – Lack
of depth and sympathy feel my souls, talk bad of me on other side not here wo! You idiots cannot digest, expect me to
digest! Glad you can’t digest reading me! Show that you deeply
affected by my blog! You should glad I kind enough blurred my enemies, cos it
can be happened to anybody! (Somebody very rich looked like him! May get sued
wo..!) Better than those pervert FTs
like shooting at people in FCC!
Again, I can promote Sin! Our idiots in Singapore
truly lack of depth, unfriendly!
Do you think I’m able do that in the small FCC with their buddies
around giggled watching at me? Then, something
went terribly wrong with their security! Please visit! Back door… strangers can get in without screening, and then go to
the shortcut lift! All under
controlled by FTs! – I guess
my enemies going to kill me revealed too much of their bad sides! Thanks to you idiots, lor! Wonder these idiots will feel
I had loaded
complaints to higher-ups even higher, but no one bother!
service in Singapore !
No reply from them! My Resignation letter till hanging there for 7 days more!
Made me mad… they didn’t show respect! (Barbarians culture our Government
invited in!) Funny they spoke English not
Muslim, so unusual on my last day recorded! Let me understand what that means! Answer: Our PAP playing nasty games with me! Is that the proper way to handle my resignation
letter? (Nuts In My Company Driving Me Nut!)
What will you do, if
happened to you? Better investigate don’t
destroyed my evidences! My work environment truly corrupted linked to
Government got protection! Now you
know… how they won! I
know what the animals talking, they will say “It’s a Misunderstanding,
Incident/Accident, we didn’t receive any! She from IMH! ...” Don’t be so naive believe everything!
Animals will fool you into their traps cos I had fooled by them, in Singapore !
What codes or laws can protect me against bad
leaders? At such work I needed to be invisible, acted stupid lor! I learned not to trust, I’m building a
wall! I don’t believe the media, not everything true! – No
justice, no equality, almost everything fake to me! If
I told you I had killed somebody, better don’t believe me! Lesson learn, run away if you
see any suspicious, idiots don’t care your life! Let the idiots be hero, they
like to showoff!
Never expect
Security life so cheap, even lower than uneducate! Our lives worthless!
Sacrificed lives
learned from animals! Trouble my pets roles
play for idiots! Since idiots thought humans recorded not true! Funny world..!
Actually, I want to write working with FTs I’m very happy in
Security recommend people join in, made all locals jealous. But, disappointed and shocking! They’re worst than locals, not
so humble! – I already mentioned I’ve ‘Depression!’ But, no one care an
‘Earthling’ like me sent bad hot temper Nutties
bullied scolding me very loudly! I lost my dignity! – Lesson learn, don’t marry! More burden to feed! You’ll lose
your dignity just for your family!
Actually, you
people were the last to know! I already shared
it to others when my higher-ups didn’t bother I got bullied! Good to
test on faked animals on earth testing on their souls, when I fall in the pit
Others made fun of my plight! While others, gave me different ideas!
I combined their ideas!
- Bear it! 忍
- Get Evidences!
- Then, Resign!
a lot to get proof! I’m on
courses again in SII for the next
following month. They’ll affect me study, so I quit! No different, whether I
took Unpaid leaves or not! Same
‘deduction’ with ‘$Add-ons pay’ linked to it! (Must complete Full
month, not 7 days resignation notice, wow!) – Nuts In My Company Driving Me Nut! Better practice in all companies! Be Fair and Square in Singapore laws!
All right I’m bad. I shouldn’t talk bad my Government, or
they’ll send their nasty playing nasty games with me! We should agree with our ‘corrupted’ Government they needed high
pay salaries to perform!
My tempted playmate
showed me!
No goody, no jumping! Got goody, got jumping!
Others don’t do! They save it inside their
Our Government didn’t sacrifice; they needed high pay salaries do the job! Should thankful I
sacrificed and finally completed my
mission revealed the truth of our Singapore Security life! If the authority
dare to give me a hidden cam or any things can broadcast immediately like
walkie-talkie, I 99% guarantee show
you our people bullying others at work in Singapore ! Better than those,
acting good and kind! Don’t believe search
for those people who suffered before me! And those regretted after joining! Try
to work there, having same bad treatment as me! See how long… you can
take! But, I don’t think you are smart to record. Why? I alerted them in
public! Just wait for ‘Nutties’ killing
you abused your loved ones, and then
you’ll understand living in my shoe…
I’ll congratulations you!
(To all spies/informers,
idiots don’t appreciate your work life! Give up your work, please!)
You animals should say “I lost interest in work life!” I
will admit! If I have a choice I don’t like working actually! And should say
“Lucky, I didn’t open bank there!” Saw how they working! – In Short, somebody behind protecting
them, a very good place for FTs better than the locals I visit! Any ugly things
they will cover it! Am I the first one
recorded animals scolding at work in Singapore ? Everything not happened in first time, it had been happened
many times when animals alive! No reported!

Finally published out, reading my blog leh! Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder:
How do you know if you have one? (
I also have “Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder! (OCD)” Am I intelligent too?
Actually, my boss made me do!
The disease
can spread reminded me of the bad!
Common work life horrible! – Only had Cowards
and Nutties together!
You treated me FT! Fine! I treated you FT! I’m an ‘Earthling’ left out from the
society. I don’t feel like a modern Singaporean, everything back to oldies!
Singaporean and a human name, just an identity! I’m nobody! Hope to change another identity
without paying! Perhaps, killed somebody
looked like me!
Now, I back to my Old
Bird’s nest. Work life made me sick! I’m not strong enough to survive. My wings
broken, I can’t fly! I cannot take another blow, I will die outside!
How can be
cheerful living in such world! Nothing proud to be Singaporean, I’m living in
hate! Forget about morals we learned
in school, we only have Fake!
My tears had converted to rain!
I rather stayed in my garden! Cursing you people dead!
Humans always judged by their own believe,
didn’t experience thoroughly!
Or perhaps, “Commit Suicide 1 more time! Let go me!”
Someday, I
may become a pervert, recording
animals scolding cos I
can’t take it any more! I needed do something! I warning and giving people tips, learn from me! Perhaps someday,
there will be less bully! Gods can’t help to save your life! Animals (Humans) created Sins, I promoted
Sins for them! People always suffered in silent! Some retarded admited they
made mistakes even not totally their fault! Why not blame the leaders unable teach them wise! Commit suicide easy than giving birth! Practice
on their children! Discouraging them
not to live often! Scold their children their Evil parents are Murderers! Practice in our Educations, make us
stronger and kill all the weak! See how they react! Then, they will
say “Parents: The Root Of The Problems!
Made us suffer!” – Just like me, idiot parents gave me life!
Those encourage scolding people to
quit and suicide should seek treatments! They’ll never feel guilty! Continue
playing the weak! Murderers
never punished, commit suicide cases will always closed so easy! Closed! Closed!
Closed! And never made known! (Depended how you died, lor!) I read my devils’
mind “You give birth! I’ll help your children die! Playing your dead body!” – Our Government
promote giving birth is to replace those many that had killed, died! Idiots cannot understand your plight!
You have the right abortion! Our people are very
free talking craps, cannot solve problems! Learn from the
lioness killed her kids! Our world truly doesn’t accept the weak, they will using them, and bully! (We’re Not Prepared To Live!)
Lucky you’re not born in this city filled with Nutties will
make use of you, bully and murder you, someday! Not everyone so lucky! Those on
media, just a few!
Similar like
me talk feelings into words, talking to animals (humans) I bleed!
We had many ‘Dead fish’ in our reservoir! Chinese New Year, Yu Sheng made me think of ‘Loh
corpses!’ Though, it tasted
good this year, 2012!
My only old bird
like celebrate Chinese New Year… So, don’t disturb me I’m not supposed to talk
many Sin things on earth!
reminder people, I learned in 2011 on earth! Never marry very Naggy, Lazy + Bad Temper
animals! Or, you will suffer!!!
Don’t worry
me. Our PAP will cover everything… they’re watching me giving them free tips uncovered by me!
WTh is this