Trouble me pressing a lot of numbers, directed to customer
service operator to complain! Blogging so damn good… Just said a magic word, “I blog you!”
Animal will behave properly exchanged a new one for me! It really works for
famous companies who care about their images! I till trusted the company
because it provided good and ‘quick’ service! Though, they hired ‘black sheep’
to con people, especially old folks!
Same thing happened, re-contract SingNet BroadBand! Received a faulty Wireless Modem,
and a SIM card
expired in April this year! Called service, expected change a new one. But,
they did ‘swapping’ with a few Modems! – Mainly used or old batch! (Got
dust/scratches/dull colors and old
serial numbers!) The technician didn’t label the errors on the faulty Modems
returned back! – These were my free
gifts from Singtel provider this year!
Our Government also made mistakes, and slow… to fix! Errors can
delay for more than a month! Date
of Assessment Results printed wrongly in my Print
So easy went viral over the Internet, but never reach me!
they’re warning me ‘Stop posting!’ Boy Boy you should said, “Young men got raped in Army, so they commit
suicide!” Just study the animals’
nature! – So easy to
catch the guy, but not approaching helps
to me!
Most idiots
fooled easily by media, without thinking. Everything they believe! Mine
not hoax! Media always checking what I typing, every time give me white screen!
I’m having hard time posting in public! They blocked me!
So long never change till behave the same (
can’t live without shit! Hypocrite website not for
all, why not ban?

Note: Public is not public actually! Always thought angels watching me! Whenever I
send signals, they will come and rescue me! That’s disappointed in social media not linked to everybody! – Looking for
my parts same as me, so...Difficult leh!
Hello media! I know you can see me talking and
controlling everything!
Promote for me my government cover their asses, 100%
guarantees! Sent for help,
no one care! (Sacrificed Your Life! / Nuts In My Company Driving Me Nut!) Singapore not united, I feel disgrace! I can only help
embarrassed them!
Stop talking about our ‘Civil Defence’ or Security in Singapore !
I will “Hah! Hah! Hah!”
Hope you’re PAP!
Congratulation you got bullied! Don’t be shock, I felt the pains too!
Only will appear in media broadcasting! 人不如动物 lots of people caring! In future, keep pets as our children!
I predict!
We had lost
our high standards and morality! Our Government invited Barbarians flourishing here! That’s their solution!
Singapore had no
hopes! 我国没救!放弃吧!
Budget raised for older S’porean workers, but employers’ productivity is to reduce cost and helped their employees
earning lesser! Managers forced my mum took annual and unpaid leaves! Now, she so
free… expressed her anger, nagging!
Low income group no fair benefits, stingy MC given and unfair messy deployment! No one share
the burden! Now, managers
and foreigners have
the privileges enjoyed benefits
taking advantages earning more than low income group and bullied old folks treated them like maids at work!
这世界疯了! See because of you, people hating me!
Who those two irrational animals
keep on clicking me wherever I go!
My Obsessive-narrow-minded
arrogant stubborn religionist
followers (lazy search for the
truth!) cannot be cure! They will kill, made fun and played prank on people
plight! May impersonating locals
in Stomp! It was meaningless
going on engaging in arguments or debating, won’t stop, like getting
a fight!
Copy their styles bullying others, these
you can’t learn in school! Use them to discouraging the
weak and your hypocrite enemies! Hypocrited
Gods created Hypocrited animals! That’s why never encouraged to breed in Singapore ! Their words don’t sound
nice! I’m helping them stained with
blood, can go to ‘Hell’ heaven! Amen! Thanks them for helping others
decided ‘Abortion’ after recommended
seeing them! “Take a look! Your children will pollute and murdered by them,
someday!” At least my
method work! Birth rate low! Not created another sufferer living in hate, like me!
More wise people don’t give birth!
Keep pets better!
Our barbarians like to mention mirror,
suited for them for seduction their bosses! Because they looked unnatural!
I no need that thing improve my memories! Just play memories games enough for me! I have many trophies of victory, no place to
put! When can I expand my land? Left the only High Score on Earth… Come VS me, please!
Hard to see many nice and wise people participating in
Stomp. But, I till like talking online, answering and asking a lot of questions
study the Humans, sharing at other sides!
At least, he’s honest
introduced our Singapore ,
but not better than me! Truly “There are more
barbarians than humans here in Singapore ! Our Singapore National Anthem and Pledge sounded contradictory
in our hypocrite society, created by
self-centered not in English
version... for his own people, poisoning us by reciting with no feeling!”
Our Culture on Earth!
So what, anyone
got Merits! They will lose their
skills and remember nothing of them, when old or dead! 虛假的脸孔, like Advertising! My
Government did nothing good for me!
Negatives overwhelming! A few ease me! Too few humble FTs with high
morality invited in! I only found a good
one last year, willing to share!
He’s from Malaysia
and became citizen (PRC) here. He
shown me his proofs taught me how to save money get benefits from “Chinese Development Assistance Council”
for study SII courses! Total family income must not over $1700! But, many documents need to give! Something
I should be proud of, I’m a Chinese!
Unlike, “North East Community Development Council”
always Unsuccessful! Perhaps, non-Chinese officers attended me! They
pretend helping the needy, didn’t
recommend any packages suit for my family needs! Our Government doesn’t
approach to help us
We Singapore
should learn from them, solved problems quick! Good Customer Service! Very
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