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No Real Man In Singapore!

Appearance of the international school I worked in my neighborhood looked new and the facilities might be good. But, the toilets not cleaned! Because the ‘new’ cleaners had quit for cleaning the whole buildings! – Their facilities management problems, I need to inform! Cleaners angry with me for doing more jobs! Worst than my local schools with sufficient cleaners, cleaned everyday, no complain!

No card rack for employees just put on table for them to pick! Wasted their time searching! Stupid bosses didn’t have prevention! People helped others clocking! – Old-fashion, till using clocking card, wow!

Wonder how the people got their driving license? People in Singapore drove so fast in school! Don’t approach the “Guardhouse” for help, anyhow drive, can’t see the main lobby, and every time need to direct the traffics! Others didn’t follow the arrows! Even, the people belonged to the school didn’t obey the laws, because they’re bosses! CCTV must aim at them, takes away their “Driving license” for not driving properly! So, no more saying “Thanks Gods, no one got hurt!” (Good reason to retrain them, our government! Earn more money!)

Perhaps, the signs not big and clear enough for them, the vehicles always went wrong direction and the “Vehicle barriers” not using, for display only!

So special about this school! No secure, I learned the men’s bad stuffs at work! (Everything Men’s ideas!)
  • Bunches of keys (label with no meaning) used in my grandfather days! Scattered in a paper box or in envelops! (Horrible the moment seen it! So untidy!) Even, my men who worked longer than me had problem finding certain keys! (More than 15 minutes, wow! Don’t expect me to remember all for not using!)
  • The special keys in Keypress box written with no meaning, too (All code form in listings!) So, every time I needed to fetch a key to open door, I needed to know which room it belonged to it!
  • For “public relationship”, not everything recorded in the “Key Movement Book!” – When another person needed the “same” key, then problem finding the person who had taken it?
  • My management too naïve allowed visitors’ luggage placed in the control room near the main lobby! (Shocking when I having my lunch, saw many on my 2nd day!) And anyone can go in (new staffs or workers didn’t wear pass!), no one in charge there!
  • No locker to keep safe for lost items (So be careful don’t lost any in school!)
  • Sometime their high-tech doors malfunctioned can be opened, without any Access cards!
  • IDs can photocopy for exchanging ‘pass!’ And ‘pass’ can pick randomly not in sequence by number! (My men tried to confuse me when I took over their duties!)
  • Most trouble people who visit, have relationship, or work in school don’t wear uniform/pass can come in easily! Others hide their pass or don’t put on it properly! – Seduce me, placed near their private parts! (Don’t expect I will remember you for not interact with me properly! You’re not fame to me!) Others said “Their pass till in processing!” cannot proof, or said “I’m too new! Don’t know their rules!” Some drivers no signage to proof they’re working for the school. The reason from them, “Last minute call”, no one at bus entrance verified them at non-peak hours! (Difficult to work! Need to recognize their faces! Expect me to remember, the strangers!)
  • Men’s dirty talks (made me lost interest in men in Singapore!)
  • Their SOP (Standard Operation Procedure) written too long, talk too much! (Emergencies where got time to search and read!) Not everyone followed it!
  • Singapore tried to save water, but they will help us wasted it! (Water taps faulty for days! Slow to fix! Because they had money lor!)
  • Most of the toilets their ceilings made of cardboards didn’t cover! Got holes! (Warn your girls, there’re perverts men watching!) – Men’s ideas designed where you piss! And they don’t bother!

Insects also have anywhere in the buildings!
And many more… all sorts of excuses, loopholes! But, my chief and my security men said … be “Flexible!” don’t take it too serious, cannot everything followed by law! That’s their school management’s law! Wasted all the trainers that had taught, not everything I learned applied to the job, not so professional at all!

So terrorists take notes the foreign school in Singapore near “Tampines” area the most easy to bomb or kidnap, lor!
Tips! How to get in!
  • Get someone “looked alike” to sneak in! (Found a few body looked like me! Too, common!)
  • Get similar uniform, no one will bother to check!
  • Be very confidence and firm, don’t look anywhere!
  • Choose the right timing! Untrained cleaners will open the door for you at Boarding House invite you in!
  • Lie you’re a parent, or having appointment with somebody work in school, or a maid’s friend in boarding house, or lie your pass in your office! (Security won’t check they would let you pass easily!) – No authorized name lists to verify it!
  • Be their workers, or school bus attendants (no pass!), all easy sneaked in!
  • Create fake Security pass! (Nothing special, only CCTVs!)
  • Underground pass open widely invite you in! (During school days!)

I worked there only for display! No pocket book given to record all incidents happened for more than a week! Only good, we security can take turn go home early! – No clocking to proof we late or home early! – In short, my group had no discipline!

Less than a week I worked there, animal’s problem came to me, on 1 Sep 2011 special day! I assigned to the exit entrance with no fan, near the Sports Hall building.

I stopped a very stubborn man without pass, gave me many excuses just wanted to go another way to park his car, near the Boarding House where the rich lived! Bad impression inside his car, so messy! I did radio to my chief and men in duty for help! But, waited for more than 10 minutes, no one came to help me! No one released me even I want to piss! Send my message again, they radio scolded me, “Let him pass!”

After letting the stubborn man pass! A crazy woman shouted and stopped me when I reached the Sports Hall building! Easy recognized me because I’m the only security guard with uniform near the exit entrance! The stubborn man complained to his wife for not letting him in! (Men are so useless these days! Need wife protection!) She didn’t even wearing any pass on her! She can see my human ID, I cannot see her, simply said her pass put in her office! So unbelievable, the crazy woman dared to argue with me she was right, “Without any pass!”

I explained to her, her husband didn’t have pass and I don’t know him! But, she kept on scolding and wanted complain to my chief! And touching me not letting me go, tried to trigger my evil spirits locked in me! (Hope I had electrical power shocked her to death! Wonder she will get misfortunes from me, for touching me! My MP Sin had gave up his post for shaking my hand, because his soul not pure and strong enough! One of my evil spirits had got into him!) Incredible, she can scold me for more than 30 minutes! – Started from her husband’s handphone, where I stopped her husband’s car, her husband made me talked to her! (If I’m her husband, I will divorce her! She’s so noisy and too naggy!) I “radio” to everyone to hear with my walkie-talkie, (I did that every time when animals scolded me in the public! Can’t stand them, they don’t treat security with respect!) When we reached the security counter at the main lobby. Unfortunately, my chief wasn’t there, he went for hiding!

She tried to make peace with me, on 7 Sep 2011. But, she till saying I’m wrong! Will you forgive her, if you are me?

Difficult forget! Every time I looked at her face, reminded me of something! – Public Scolder! Finally got her name, because my men were very good in public relationship!

Thanks to her if anything happened – Bombs! Or kidnapping! Blame her and the men in duty! I feel she did on purpose trying to make me lost my job! Perhaps, she tried to make me “commit sucide!” upset me, scolded me in the public! Or, she tried to create races conflict! (Learn from her!) – Having “psycho effect” hate the Muslims, because she’s wearing their skin! Her soul, so evil! Her god taught her to bully the poor, different in colors! Go ahead complain, made me fame! Animals! My Government tried to hide me properly, but she had made me fame, so easy! Even, “Friendster” blocked me! Not a good site!

I told my logic to my men! But, they told me not to mention bomb, too sensitive! (But, somehow you idiot people should know the consequence!)

Perhaps, we only have self-centered and arrogant people! Singapore has nothing to steal (no resources!) Terrorists not interested at all, even got a lot of loopholes!

People are pervert in Singapore like to take photos, better warn them I looked like somebody! They’re also very good in discouraging others not working, for those they hate/complained like me! “Is your problem!” common saying in Singapore! (Perhaps, I belonged to the “Lee’s family” that why they hate me! Don’t let me enjoying working!) Short life! I might someday murdered by them, assigned me to dangerous places! – Pushing the heavy Iron Gate all alone! No remote control! (Guess the kind of “old fashion” gate that had killed a security guard in Singapore!) Funny so many loopholes, why need heavy Iron Gates for?

Fine! Lessons learned! – Don’t care! Don’t bother! Be “Flexible!” Higher-ups pretend then pretend, went for hiding then hiding! Higher-ups serious then serious! – Men taught me! Close one eye, corrupted your mind, and lost your heart! Change the motto for the school! Spoil your kids welcome in, the nurses will attend immediately for your kids needs! (For me different, my local teacher will send me to hospital only for ‘serious’ injury and my parent paid for it!) Without pass can let the animals in! Don’t wear uniform, don’t wear pass! And scolded for nothing! This school corrupted with pretenders/actors everywhere even I’d complained! All about 'public relationship' connection! Now, I hate human again! Because they’re so unreasonable and arrogant!

Make me lost interest in security work! Corrupted spotted in Singapore! So “Believe in Sin” I had collected many Sins from human beings, hardly seen the good things! My Singapore men were self-centered creature didn’t like to share! They asked thing I didn’t know, not often or hardly go, tried to embarrass me! They’re also smart, chose the right timing made me sweated more than them, escorting contractors from floors to floors in buildings, while they stayed in their comfort zone with fan or air-con! Learn from them how to get rid of their enemies! – That’s the reason I got job in this company because somebody had quit less than a week! When the real problem came all my men showed their true faces, they ran away! Our men worthless can’t protect woman! They’re idiots, always made me having lunch very early or late! Don’t trust men in Singapore! They’re not truly men, bully female! This is called teamwork in Singapore
Men no response! Worst than my pet!
Told my mum on earth! Hope she don’t pray anymore! Just fake! – I pledge to work with all S’poreans: Dr Tony Tan ( Got money got power can bully, that’s the true world I‘m living! 

Feel somebody trying to hurt me! The moment I mentioned in my blog about the roof “transparent on top!” in (Life So… Cheap In Security!) The next day somebody removed the dead leaves! So good rain again! But, the roof leaking with water at several places, made the floor wet!

(Dedicate to somebody hopeless, and all trainers – Don’t train hard, not everything applies to it! And to all school and stupid parents in secured areas, if you really wanted to protect your children, please wear your pass and properly! And to all workers/bosses worked in secured areas! If you’re not proud of your company, don’t put on your pass! Just like me, I don’t hang out my Singapore flag, because I’m not happy! – Bad companies filled with black sheeps!)

To be continue… my company transferred me to the oldies!


  1. Hi, sorry lost my focus halfway through. I beg your pardon this is going to be a long one too.
    I just want to share that I UNDERSTAND that you had a hard day (or years) & you should give yourself a good BREAK. Take a nice shower, have a long peaceful retreat in the country side.

    Love yourself as what Louis Hay shared.

    Brene Brown: Power of Vulnerability shared how one should embrace one’s imperfection instead of numbing it. I was just sharing how many women agree that the more their husband defend, water down, cover up when she confronts him, the more frustrated she gets. The more one evades, the more it shows one fear others knowing truth. If one use excuse like I made a mistake EVERY man made, then how can one trust you? We do not need to make others look bad to look good. Be brave so REAL problems can be solved, not fire fight nor covered up. Actually I am referring to the local media. LOL.
    I believe we share the same source of frustration. That is seeing too many people running away. I have always been running away until I lost my dream job in 2009. A job I waited for 6 years to get there & lost in 2 years because I have always been running away from my own emotions (like a compressed spring, not saying out when I am unhappy). From there on, I have learnt the importance of speaking out (gently) when you are unhappy & that I believe is just what you are doing. It is good to vent. You are just being honest with yourself getting in touch with your feelings when the people in world you are in are running away.

    The next step I took in 2011 is call embracing & loving myself. Loving myself means I accept my vulnerabilities & others. I accept what I can change & what I cannot. I accept that I can only change myself so as to change the world I am in (my perception). I have learnt to love myself & not to be poison by anger, not making other’s mistakes my mistake & not to punish myself for other’s mistake. I have also learnt to focus on my own STRENGTH & less of other’s mistake. That is to learn from other’s shortcoming. To be more compassionate of myself so I can be more compassionate of others. If I cannot even love or respect myself, how can I love & respect others & how can I expect others to love & respect me?

    I have learnt to embrace others the way they are. “Imperfect” just as me & imperfection is my own personal opinion, never the ultimate truth. One woman’s meat is another woman’s poison. One woman may love Longchamp, the other love Coach. Who is right? Both.

    I am grateful of the wonderful many women in my life (My mother who gave her life to me, my senior colleagues who are like mentor to me, my female friends, my female mediation, Gi Gong teachers etc.) They are the one who help me realized the above. Through them I have learnt to respect and love women. It was them who prove to me a beautiful woman is one who emanates compassion, peace, gentle, modesty and kindness. Nurturing us like green mother Earth. Go take a break, walk on the green pasture, look at the clear blue sky, feel the warmth of the sunshine.

    Lastly, I figured this out on one of the night at Marina Bay sand when I was talking to some female friends.

    “The more I seek in the world outside, the further I get from the world inside. When I see the change in the world inside, I see the change in the world outside.”

    In shorter Chinese. 自净其意,相由心生,境由心转。。。

    Yours truly,
    Aka WingBliss/FusionCat

  2. I totally agree with what Colin has said. Perhaps it is time to reflect and stop hurting yourself with all that anger. It is true that the world is full of people we do not agree with. Best way to deal with these people is to flush them out of our mind and forget about them, don't bring the anger with you and let them continue to hurt you. Be positive in life and positive things would happen.


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