Don’t trust security, said “Easy Job!” working @IBM offered 'No fix' paid! (~$1500 to $1700 depended on months!) Changing passes faraway, wasted time reaching home! Assignment posts walking outside building! (Feel like walking 10 times of Giant @Tampines!) – Lost interest shopping, even shopping centers opposite!
Always got briefing! Not everyone on time always postponed duty due to last minute change! (Coffee, toilet breaks, whatever! No rushing!) Now, Security guards become writer, writing ‘same’ non-important reports on Occurrence books (I named ‘Wayang’ Books) – Wasted ink on every assigned post!
Singapore filled with Bad designers didn't sense our Shoes, created blind spots! No Fan! Strong lighting hitting our faces @Main gate blinded our eyes! – We need more donors! I’m waiting...

Should wayang, no time record many details! Uncivilized vehicles never stop for checking (冲 ha!) rushing in @peak hours! My face not dark enough! 杀气不够重! They no fear…
Deployment, OJT sucks! Not proper! Manpower shortage eats at your station! Too many, wait for assignment or break earlier with my tummy full! No direct understandable speech, made me starve forgot my meal! “…Break Main gate!” or “…Main gate Break” (Starting, I thought break the gate! Or, Eat at my station, yo!) Casual environment, my Sup (纸老虎!) very casual ‘cartoon’ type! Subordinates can bully him! Can sleep… always entertainment nuisances in the air! – Walkie-talkies always flattened! Lots of Gossip-mongers!
When there’s disagreement issues! Forgot to alert wake up them! ‘Open & Close’ books! Uncivilized Security Officers very petty always pissed me! Theirs words mean... attacking me (Malay + Indian) languages! Broadcast shouting at me “…Lee…!” through walkie-talkies for all departments to hear... (Their style horrible! They very mean creatures!) – So pathetic! Imbalance ratio, locals & non-locals! Racial imbalance @work!
Unlucky be woman! Men these days totally useless, want women doing same jobs ‘Clocking’ distance same as them! (Even, we different structure!) Always assigned unsuitable posts! Shorten life span! Get your period faster, menstrual disorders, underneath pains... Internals spoilt, miscarriage, whatever related to female overworked! – Advice, women don’t marry give birth! Should castration men made women exhausted!
Singapore is a corrupted city! "Got money get higher post bully others, doing less work & gained profits!"
Singapore no hero! We created Heroes!

Else, pig can also be hero!
Singapore only have arrogant, uncivilized, uncooperative buddies! They care their kind, their type! They will make you lost your soul working! – No dream job! Always 12 hours? Hard to live a simple life!
(Dedicated to Aliens triggered me again!)
Always got briefing! Not everyone on time always postponed duty due to last minute change! (Coffee, toilet breaks, whatever! No rushing!) Now, Security guards become writer, writing ‘same’ non-important reports on Occurrence books (I named ‘Wayang’ Books) – Wasted ink on every assigned post!
Singapore filled with Bad designers didn't sense our Shoes, created blind spots! No Fan! Strong lighting hitting our faces @Main gate blinded our eyes! – We need more donors! I’m waiting...

Should wayang, no time record many details! Uncivilized vehicles never stop for checking (冲 ha!) rushing in @peak hours! My face not dark enough! 杀气不够重! They no fear…
Deployment, OJT sucks! Not proper! Manpower shortage eats at your station! Too many, wait for assignment or break earlier with my tummy full! No direct understandable speech, made me starve forgot my meal! “…Break Main gate!” or “…Main gate Break” (Starting, I thought break the gate! Or, Eat at my station, yo!) Casual environment, my Sup (纸老虎!) very casual ‘cartoon’ type! Subordinates can bully him! Can sleep… always entertainment nuisances in the air! – Walkie-talkies always flattened! Lots of Gossip-mongers!
When there’s disagreement issues! Forgot to alert wake up them! ‘Open & Close’ books! Uncivilized Security Officers very petty always pissed me! Theirs words mean... attacking me (Malay + Indian) languages! Broadcast shouting at me “…Lee…!” through walkie-talkies for all departments to hear... (Their style horrible! They very mean creatures!) – So pathetic! Imbalance ratio, locals & non-locals! Racial imbalance @work!
Unlucky be woman! Men these days totally useless, want women doing same jobs ‘Clocking’ distance same as them! (Even, we different structure!) Always assigned unsuitable posts! Shorten life span! Get your period faster, menstrual disorders, underneath pains... Internals spoilt, miscarriage, whatever related to female overworked! – Advice, women don’t marry give birth! Should castration men made women exhausted!
Singapore is a corrupted city! "Got money get higher post bully others, doing less work & gained profits!"
Singapore no hero! We created Heroes!

Else, pig can also be hero!

Singapore only have arrogant, uncivilized, uncooperative buddies! They care their kind, their type! They will make you lost your soul working! – No dream job! Always 12 hours? Hard to live a simple life!
(Dedicated to Aliens triggered me again!)
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