I’m not a terrorist! Why block me and hide my comments! And spreading rumors , the facts any special occasions happened on Earth! ( http://moonlifeonearth.blogspot.sg/ ) Bullied at work! Now, cyber bullied by another Crazy Nuts Muslims , again! I don’t know her, but keep on pestering me! Why don’t ask her don’t disturb me! Facebook should study ‘ 心理学 ’ how to help people become racism! “Terrorists like her using it, now!” Are you trying helping me hate them even more , become racism? I don’t block others comments, like her! So… Despicable! Afraid her many idiots cannot judge! Fear I chat with others! So, destroyed my comments! Why not visit my environment kill me and my family , since Singapore Government don’t really Care , since blogged 2010! I’m healing my soul but animals try to provoke me! Sad! Wonder why Rain returned for many days! 冤 .... cos of ‘Crazy Reporter Parrot’ always gossips , spreading rumors and complaining me! Just because she hate m